GlitterBird Photography

GlitterBird Photography



Capturing the moments we all take for granted, and have difficulty remembering.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sometimes a hit in the Gut is what it takes to remember to be Thankful.

This Thanksgiving was to be the first in our new home. We moved in during the hottest summer on record and we were very much looking forward to cooler weather, kids out of school, using the new oven to cook wonderful Thanksgiving dishes, and decorating for Christmas. As anyone who knows me will tell you I'm organized! I love a plan. I'm like the quarterback huddled with the team, running down the plays, making sure everyone is in their place. That being said, I planned my holiday week meticulously. I knew everyday where we would be and what we would be doing. And come Cyber Monday, the house would be perfect and ready for Christmas and we would have great memories and photos of the family filled weekend.

Well so much for planning my perfect life! Wednesday morning I awoke to a vicious stomach flu! Oh no, how could this be? Between trips to the bathroom I was totally ticked off! My schedule was ruined. "I can't cook like this, I can't decorate like this!" I told myself to suck it up and feel better. The body aches and chills told me otherwise. I lay on the couch all day hating life and figuring out how to readjust "the plan" for my weekend. Dad and Kendal did their best to tend to me at arms length but my Jackster just couldn't understand the meaning of the 2 words - "mom's sick".
Thursday came, woopee, I still felt terrible. Weak as a kitten, no Thanksgiving dinner. Mark that off the list. I'd have to redouble the efforts on Friday to get the decorations and the house ready for Christmas. On Facebook, post after post of well wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.. How could they be having fun when I'm so miserable? This is a terrible Thanksgiving!
Friday morning I awoke feeling somewhat normal and ready to take on the full responsibilities of Super Mom of the house and get stuff done! What a wonderful surprise to find my little Jackster fighting his first ever stomach flu given to him compliments of his loving mother. Did I mention it was our first Thanksgiving in our new home? How could this happen???

Super Duper Mom kicked in setting up a make shift hospital in the Study. Twin bed mattress dressed with several layers of sheets for Jack accidents, trash can by the bed lined with many trash sacks, wet wash cloth and paper towels on hand. Lysol, extra blankets... huddle up plan established (CLAP CLAP) LET'S GO! And so the day began, 20-30 minutes between episodes... All day long.....
While tending to my full-on JackAttack, I washed clothes, made a descent, fast Thanksgiving meal for Brian and Kendal, and worked on backed up photo sessions on the computer. Super Duper Mom was kicking butt! I still had a terrible nagging feeling of self loathing for bringing this upon my family and ruining our Thanksgiving. Schedule for the perfect Thanksgiving down the drain.
Around 5:30 in the evening, Jack was still going at it. He was weak, couldn't sit up. I held his little body over the trash can. In panic mode and put out the word on Facebook. I need belly jelly! I need fenegren, I need help and the doctor's offices are all closed for the holidays! Here come the troops! Post after post of offers and suggestions and medications that might help my little Jack. After sending Brian out for the fourth time that day to retrieve the meds, I started trying to get my baby's sickness under control. Finally, at 11p.m. he settled down for sleep. I lay on a make shift pallet on the floor next to him listen to his every move, and cough.
Surprisingly I had a sense of happiness and thankfulness come over me. I was so thankful that every time we didn't make it to the trash can, I had a clean blanket to give him. Thankful that in my small free time, I knocked out a lot of picture editing. Thankful that we still got to eat a delicious, yet unimpressive Thanksgiving feast. Thankful that I put out a desperate call to my friends asking for help for my babe, and many people rushed to my assistance. Thankful knowing that if Jackman could sleep through the night, we'd be on the downhill side of this sickness. I prayed and said thanks for all that I had and that had been given to me to make it through the day. I slept very little but Jack slept well, and although weak, he's on the mend! We awoke to the sound of rain falling outside. That's certainly a blessing!
Thanks to all my lovely friends and family for their support, we've made it through.

Now.... as I'm writing this... I'm holding my breath as I await Brian and Kendal to wake up. I'm praying the sickness stops with just 2 family members. I hope I can be Thankful again at the end of this day!


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