This Thanksgiving was to be the first in our new home. We moved in during the hottest summer on record and we were very much looking forward to cooler weather, kids out of school, using the new oven to cook wonderful Thanksgiving dishes, and decorating for Christmas. As anyone who knows me will tell you I'm organized! I love a plan. I'm like the quarterback huddled with the team, running down the plays, making sure everyone is in their place. That being said, I planned my holiday week meticulously. I knew everyday where we would be and what we would be doing. And come Cyber Monday, the house would be perfect and ready for Christmas and we would have great memories and photos of the family filled weekend.
Well so much for planning my perfect life! Wednesday morning I awoke to a vicious stomach flu! Oh no, how could this be? Between trips to the bathroom I was totally ticked off! My schedule was ruined. "I can't cook like this, I can't decorate like this!" I told myself to suck it up and feel better. The body aches and chills told me otherwise. I lay on the couch all day hating life and figuring out how to readjust "the plan" for my weekend. Dad and Kendal did their best to tend to me at arms length but my Jackster just couldn't understand the meaning of the 2 words - "mom's sick".
Thursday came, woopee, I still felt terrible. Weak as a kitten, no Thanksgiving dinner. Mark that off the list. I'd have to redouble the efforts on Friday to get the decorations and the house ready for Christmas. On Facebook, post after post of well wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.. How could they be having fun when I'm so miserable? This is a terrible Thanksgiving!
Friday morning I awoke feeling somewhat normal and ready to take on the full responsibilities of Super Mom of the house and get stuff done! What a wonderful surprise to find my little Jackster fighting his first ever stomach flu given to him compliments of his loving mother. Did I mention it was our first Thanksgiving in our new home? How could this happen???
Super Duper Mom kicked in setting up a make shift hospital in the Study. Twin bed mattress dressed with several layers of sheets for Jack accidents, trash can by the bed lined with many trash sacks, wet wash cloth and paper towels on hand. Lysol, extra blankets... huddle up plan established (CLAP CLAP) LET'S GO! And so the day began, 20-30 minutes between episodes... All day long.....
While tending to my full-on JackAttack, I washed clothes, made a descent, fast Thanksgiving meal for Brian and Kendal, and worked on backed up photo sessions on the computer. Super Duper Mom was kicking butt! I still had a terrible nagging feeling of self loathing for bringing this upon my family and ruining our Thanksgiving. Schedule for the perfect Thanksgiving down the drain.
Around 5:30 in the evening, Jack was still going at it. He was weak, couldn't sit up. I held his little body over the trash can. In panic mode and put out the word on Facebook. I need belly jelly! I need fenegren, I need help and the doctor's offices are all closed for the holidays! Here come the troops! Post after post of offers and suggestions and medications that might help my little Jack. After sending Brian out for the fourth time that day to retrieve the meds, I started trying to get my baby's sickness under control. Finally, at 11p.m. he settled down for sleep. I lay on a make shift pallet on the floor next to him listen to his every move, and cough.
Surprisingly I had a sense of happiness and thankfulness come over me. I was so thankful that every time we didn't make it to the trash can, I had a clean blanket to give him. Thankful that in my small free time, I knocked out a lot of picture editing. Thankful that we still got to eat a delicious, yet unimpressive Thanksgiving feast. Thankful that I put out a desperate call to my friends asking for help for my babe, and many people rushed to my assistance. Thankful knowing that if Jackman could sleep through the night, we'd be on the downhill side of this sickness. I prayed and said thanks for all that I had and that had been given to me to make it through the day. I slept very little but Jack slept well, and although weak, he's on the mend! We awoke to the sound of rain falling outside. That's certainly a blessing!
Thanks to all my lovely friends and family for their support, we've made it through.
Now.... as I'm writing this... I'm holding my breath as I await Brian and Kendal to wake up. I'm praying the sickness stops with just 2 family members. I hope I can be Thankful again at the end of this day!
GlitterBird Photography

Capturing the moments we all take for granted, and have difficulty remembering.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Rangers Game Baby!

Thursday, April 21, 2011
From the Bird's Nest a Review of Types of Photography on the Market Today.

Taken from Morgan Kervin Photography –
The Best explanation of the different types of photography on the market today!
I want to start by saying that one photographer is NOT the right one for everyone. There will be photographers that you just don't click want to get along with your photographer, make sure you like their personality or you won't get the 'magical' portraits you're looking for.
When you start off looking for a photographer that is right for you, you will have three main choices.
1. The retail chain
2. The professional
3. The shoot and burn
The goal of retail chain portrait studios is to reel you in with an AH-MA-ZING deal, like free sitting fee and a few freebies, but what are you really getting? Sure the sitting fee may be free for the first person, but what about the rest of your family?
A simple search of a major portrait studio says their special offer is 26 portraits for $7.99 - crazy deal, right?
Did you read the fine pose, one subject, natural color only, additional sheets $19.99 (which are typically 8x10). The session will probably last 10-15 minutes and you will get 7 shots to choose from, not necessarily usable shots. If you wanted an 11x14 canvas, guess how much that is...$149.99 – same price as many pro photographers out there today.
The goal of professional photographers is to create a lasting experience that yields quality portraits. There usually isn't any crazy deal to reel you in and then give you sticker shock after you're there. You are able to ask for a comprehensive price list before hand so you know what you could be investing.
Your 4 person family will probably be charged a sitting fee of $100 or more and that probably will include only the photographer's time and talent. The session will typically last 1-3 hours, yes HOURS! That means you can change outfits and maybe even locations, and did you say you needed to feed your baby-there is plenty of time for that too. You will end up with 20-40 great images for you to choose from. For print orders professional photographers use professional labs and give the highest quality prints. The professional also edits with one of the Adobe programs such as Lightroom or a version of Photoshop's Creative Suite.
The goal of the shoot and burn photographer is normally to make some quick cash. Please do not confuse the shoot and burn photographer with a portfolio building professional photographer. You will probably spend $25-$50 and your session will last about an hour. You will get a CD with the images from the session, probably around 100 or so and a 'copyright' release. The shoot and burn photographer may not offer prints and if they do most likely they are printed from a consumer company that anyone could order prints from. Basically the shoot and burn photographer is like a friend with a camera...except they are a stranger and you are paying them to do what you could get with any point and shoot. Just remember that just because they have a 'big camera' does not mean they have any idea what they are doing with it. The shoot and burn photographer typically uses free editing software such as picasa or picnik.
With all of that being said, the equipment does not make the photographer! I have seen amazing images taken with iPhones or point and shoots, and horrid images taken with top of the line pro level DSLR's.
This post is about the care and consideration as well as the intentions of the different types of photographers that you can book a session with.
You may be a retail kind of consumer- if that works for you then go for it! Just like you may prefer a shoot and burn to a professional- again if that works for you then go for it!
Just know that not all photographers are created equal: in price, quality, or experience you receive.
No one can tell you what the right photographer is for YOU
Retail store: in and out in 15 minutes, 1-3 good images, spend $10-$300
Professional: 1-3 hour session, 50 great images, spend $100-$1000
Shoot and burn: 1 hour session, 25-50 maybe decent images, spend $25-$50
The difference is in the quality and experience. When you look back at your images on your wall how will they make you feel? Will you even remember how that day was? Will they make you smile because of the memories they bring back?
* I know that when I look at my favorite images of my kids hanging on my wall, which are professionally done, I remember every detail of what happened that day and can't help but smile at the chaos that went into getting that priceless image.
* When I look at the retail images from when my son was a baby all I can remember is that we only got the one image and we spent so long just waiting to be seen for a 10 minute - what felt like going through a fast food drive thru- session.
* When I look at the images from when we had a shoot and burn session, those are all on my external drive - never printed because they honestly weren't wall worthy at all. I just remember that my life would be no different had it never happened.
Every professional photographer starts out not knowing what they are doing, what you need to know is that there is a difference in someone doing it for a hobby, someone doing it for the quick cash, and someone operating a business or aspiring to do so.
With each different type of photographer there is a different style and quality that you will get. A good rule is to look through your potential photographer's portfolio/website and if you love 80% or more of their current work then they may be the right photographer for you!
WELL SAID Morgan! I love this and will reiterate this info to all my customers!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I Heart Faces
Monday, February 21, 2011
February - From the Bird's Nest - Your Photo Product Review

This month From the Bird's Nest is reviewing a 4x6 Photo Canvas with Easel Stand. I ordered this little gem from The cost is $12.96 + tax. If you have it shipped to your local Walmart, there is no shipping charges. It took about a week for it to be delivered. ***Remember that if you order this as a gift for a loved one.. Sorry Brian, Happy late Valentines Day! :-b
Snapfish offers Canvas prints, but their smallest size is 8x10, and Shutterfly offers their smallest size as 12x12. I really like the idea that Walmart offers these in a 4x6 print. It's a fun, unique gift and let's face it, canvas prints ROCK! They are awesome to display in your home!
So let's see if I got my money's worth!
For this canvas I'm using a picture of me and my Valentine in the snow.
AWWW... Look at the Love Birds!
The quality of the canvas and the print is excellent! The canvas feels thick, sturdy and the photo itself is clear, crisp and the correct color!!! The Easel is raw wood, nothing fancy here. But if you want to get really creative, you could easily paint or stain it. I think that's nice. :) The canvas photo fits nicely on the frame. It's sturdy, not flimsy. It's not going to easily fall over. Awesome!
I'm a little concerned with the thickness in the corners. It's wrapped nicely, however, because the canvas is good quality, the corners do not lay flat. Sort've like a wrapped birthday present where the ends aren't pulled tight. hmmm.. Maybe the frame should be a little thicker to prevent this?
So here's the deal.... Generally a good quality canvas will be pulled very tight and the corners will lay flat against the frame. I offer Canvas Prints from my pro printers for my customers. Their quality is amazing! But you pay for the amazing quality.
Overall, I really like this little canvas photo with its cute little easel stand.
The Bird's Nest gives this photo product a 4 egg rating! It's great quality, sturdy and you can't beat the price for a neat way to display your prints! It loses an egg point because of the wrap not being flush to the frame. I do recommend this product!

Love you Brian! You will always be my Valentine! :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
From the Bird's Nest - Your Photo Product Review - This month - Photo Panels

A Photo Panel is basically a wood or foam board backing with an arm stand. No frame necessary. sells these beauties, and you can find a 5x7 photo panel for $14.99.
On Shutterfly it's called a desktop plaque and a 5x7 is $16.99.
At they are $13.42!
For this month's review, we'll be looking at
Simply enough, you load your photo to your on line account, and choose to make a photo panel.

For this product, I chose my favorite black and white picture of Jack in the snow. I have this printed as a 5x7 and framed in my office. So let's compare...
As you can see, both photos are 5x7 in size, and I do have a nice frame for my print. The 5x7 photo panel is smaller than a framed 5x7 photo. THESE ARE BOTH 5X7's BIRDY PALS!
That should be noted depending on where you plan to display your photo.
The photo panel does have a good sturdy backing, and the arm stand is tight. (see the picture below)
Now here's where it loses egg points and starts to stink like an egg in the sun.....
On the framed 5x7 you will notice it's a true black and white. For some crazy reason, maybe the printer had bird flu! The photo panel has more of a blue tint to it. BLUE? It's supposed to be a Black and White print!
What's up with that??? I also notice a few little specks in the clear snow to the left of Jack's head, which is obviously a problem at the printer because those black specs do not appear on my framed 5x7. The Photo Panel photo is not as crisp and sharp as my framed 5x7. This is a total disappointment!
Although I'm thrilled that Walmart is offering a photo panel for a great price of $13.42 + tax, I'm a little disappointed in the quality of the overall product.
The Bird's Nest rates this product 2 eggs out of 5.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

As part of my goals for my growing photography business, I am taking the steps to review photo products that might interest my friends, family and fans! I’m always being asked if I like the quality of photo products at walmart, shutterfly, snapfish etc. I’m hoping to give you a little review on products from these companies. I use these vendors all the time! They are a convenient, fast and inexpensive way to create some really great products featuring your photos! Since I have such a fantastic name for my business thanks to my lovely daughter, you will notice I will incorporate it into these reviews. You will see the title for the photo products review as “From the Bird’s Nest”. Pretty Clever, huh?
My goal is to review a product every month this year. This will give you plenty of time to get out there and order the product for an upcoming special occasion, after I give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. But I won’t be calling it thumbs up or thumbs down, Instead I think I will give the products a rating. Hmmm… Let’s say 1 to 5 eggs rating, :) sticking with my GlitterBird theme!
Stay tuned as I blog “From the Bird’s Nest”! I'll be reviewing my first photo product soon!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
As January begins, I've been able to take a moment to look around and see what is in my life, and what I'm so thankful for. I've got a wonderful husband who supports me, and 2 fantastic kids. I've learned a lot in the photography field this year and I'm looking forward to expanding on that knowledge in 2011.
I'm so proud of how I've been able to document my children's lives. Even though I've got a 12 year old that rolls her eyes every time I pull out the camera (which is a daily occurence), I know she'll be thrilled to have these memories when she's grown.
Today, we had an awesome treat. Snow! It doesn't come often in our neck of the woods so we take advantage of it and play outside as much as we can! With rosy cheeks, cold fingers and toes, we enjoy every moment we can spend in the beautiful white winter wonderland. I pray that everyone can have a day here and there to get away from the daily grind and remember what they are thankful for. Happy January!
I'm so proud of how I've been able to document my children's lives. Even though I've got a 12 year old that rolls her eyes every time I pull out the camera (which is a daily occurence), I know she'll be thrilled to have these memories when she's grown.
Today, we had an awesome treat. Snow! It doesn't come often in our neck of the woods so we take advantage of it and play outside as much as we can! With rosy cheeks, cold fingers and toes, we enjoy every moment we can spend in the beautiful white winter wonderland. I pray that everyone can have a day here and there to get away from the daily grind and remember what they are thankful for. Happy January!

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